Jesus is good news for everyone.

You are invited to come and meet our growing community.


Over the past few months, we have seen a steady relaxing of the COVID-19 protocols. We are excited to inform you that we too have embraced these long-awaited changes and have decided on the following safety/ health protocols:
  • Masks are optional
  • No thermometer checks
  • No social distancing mandate
  • No max capacity

We at North Bronx believe that there is still the need to proceed with caution. To provide the safest possible environment we will maintain all cleaning protocols (proper sanitization of the building and equipment

Come and worship with us. We look forward to seeing you in person.

Join Us!

Looking for a place to worship, both online or in person? We invite anyone and everyone to attend our Sabbath services on Saturdays 10:00 am, whether on our website, Facebook, YouTube or in person. Our doors are now open.
Would you like to be a member of the North Bronx Family?
CONTACT US for more information.

Meet Our Ministerial Team

living and powerful God.” We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father. ~ Lead Pastor
declares the Lord (Jere. 29:11).” God invites us to join Him on a journey of discovery, so that we may experience blessings upon our homes, healing for our brokenness, improvement in our health, increase in our wealth and salvation for our souls. ~ Bible Instructor
Lead Pastor
Associate Pastor
Bible Instructor

From The Pastor’s Desk (Church Blog)


What We Believe


As a Christian church, Seventh-day Adventists are a faith community rooted in the beliefs described by the Bible, that expresses God’s desire to be in an eternal relationship with us. 

God’s greatest desire is for us to see a clear picture of His character. When we see Him clearly, we will find His love irresistible. For many, “seeing God clearly” requires that they see God’s face. However, how He looks is not the issue. Seeing and understanding His character is what’s most important. The more clearly we understand Him, the more we will find His love irresistible. As we begin to experience His love, our own lives will begin to make more sense.

​Jesus’ disciple John, wrote that if everyone wrote all the stories they knew about Jesus, the whole world could not contain them. Our knowledge of God helps us understand His love, character, and grace. Experiencing that love begins a lifelong adventure in growth and service. This knowledge and experience power our mission to tell the world about His love and His offer of salvation.

God loves us even when we choose to reject His love. In those times He allows us to walk away into the life of our own choices. Yet He is still there, always ready to redeem us from the results of our decisions.


Our Heritage


The North Bronx Seventh-day Adventist Church originated as a Branch Sabbath School of the Yonkers Seventh-day Adventist Church on May 20, 1967. The shade of a large tree on property owned by the Church at East 219th Street, served as the Sanctuary for eleven (11) individuals, led under the divine guidance by Elder Louis Wisdom on that day.
One week later, May 27, 1967, as a result of the efforts of Elder Wisdom and Elder Michele Cicale, the small group began to worship in rented space at the Emanuel Baptist Church, 216th Street & White Plains Road.

The group experienced such rapid growth that by October 1967, they were organized by the Greater New York Conference of Seventh-day Adventists as the North Bronx Seventh-day Adventist Company. A year later, in September 1968, they were organized into a church with 56 foundation members.


Our Community


Our church family is a diverse group of people, nations, cultures and heritages. We strive to make North Bronx a place where everyone has a seat at God’s table.

Whether you are from the West Indies, the deep south, an eastern land or right here in New York City, North Bronx is known as the caring church where everybody is somebody.

​Located in the Williamsbridge area of the Bronx, our community is full of different friendly faces and stories.

From the Church Clerk



If you would like to receive regular updates on our upcoming church activities and to be added to our mailing list, send an email to with your first and last name.


Please help us maintain an accurate record of your membership profile. Mails are being returned as undeliverable. Kindly update the clerk of your new address when you move. Please email any updates (address, telephone numbers, email​) to

Upcoming Events

Ongoing Events/Programs



2nd and 4th Sundays at 12 PM

For youth ages 10 to 14 years. Space is limited, apply now. Click the link below to register your child.
Meeting ID: 826 7572 8040
Passcode: 3duc@ti0n
Registration Form​​


Are you a Senior Citizen and or disabled? Do you have some expired or unwanted prescription medication at home? We can help you dispose of them. To arrange a pick-up, please call one of the ​following persons:
Michelle Lewis | 917-885-5607
Pauline Archer | 917-792-0619
Andrea Williams | 917-692-2391​​


1st and 3rd Sabbaths
3PM in the Blue Room.
See the flyer for more information.


In our ongoing effort to provide food assistance during this time, food items will be distributed on FRIDAYS at 9:30-11:30 AM.
It will be on a first come first serve basis. Please wait in the Parking lot while practicing Social Distancing to receive your items, you are also encouraged to wear a mask or mouth and nose covering. Please bring TWO (2) large bags if possible.
Contact Eld. Keith Williams (914-552-4041) to arrange delivery for any homebound member(s) that you are aware of that needs this service.


Every Tuesday @ 7:00 pm via ZOOM.
Meeting ID: 848 6949 1488
Password: 400657


Sabbath School at 10:00 am
Divine Service at 11:00 am
Visit our LIVE page to watch the service online.


Have you experienced a loss recently; a job or a loved one? We offer free Grief Support Ministry, open to all regardless of faith. You may register for the next session by calling 732-742-0347.


Via Zoom & Telephone
Wednesdays & Fridays | 8:00PM EST
Meeting ID: 854 0802 8688
Passcode: Prayer
+ 1 646-876-9923 (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

GNYC  Upcoming Events


Do you know of someone who would like to get to know Jesus through His Word? Have him/her join us for bible studies every Sunday evening at 6:30 pm. Pre-registration is required! Please note that when you pre-register, you will then immediately receive the access link. You must save this link. The system does not email the link to you and if you close down your computer without saving the link somewhere you will have to reregister and receive another link.
Kindly come to class prepared with the free Amazing Facts link already downloaded. Register HERE

Worship With Us

Sabbath School (10:00 AM) | Divine Service (11:00 AM)

“A righteous prayer availeth much.” Visit our PRAYER MINISTRY page to submit your prayer requests. CLICK HERE to access our church bulletin.
Live Player

Click HERE or use the following QR code to access the Decision Card.

So glad you could join us for this live worship experience.
Reach out to us on our social media platforms, we desire to hear from you.
Why Do We Give?
God has called us to be stewards of His resources. This is the reason why we invest our time, spiritual gifts and money into the ministry of God.

How Can We Give?



You can give by cash or check during our weekly services. Please ask an usher for a tithe envelope, if you want to designate your gift towards a specific project.


You can use the Zelle app to send your offerings.
Follow these simple instructions below:
  1. Download the ZELLE app.
  2. Add
  3. Add a note to the treasurer.
  4. Hit SEND.

Adventist Giving

You can give your gifts online via Adventist Giving or via the adventist giving app. See the video below for a tutorial on how to submit your donations.


You can also mail your check or money order to 3743 Bronxwood Avenue, Bronx NY 10469 or for pickup, contact Elder Wendell Murray (917-775-8736) or Elder Trevor Patton (908-930-7747).

Church Projects

Joseph’s Storehouse

In our ongoing effort to provide food assistance during this time, food items will be distributed on FRIDAYS at 9:30-11:30 AM.
It will be on a first come first serve basis. Please wait in the Parking lot while practicing Social Distancing to receive your items, you are also encouraged to wear a mask or mouth and nose covering. Please bring TWO (2) large bags if possible.
Contact Eld. Keith Williams (914-552-4041) to arrange delivery for any homebound member(s) that you are aware of that needs this service.

Capital/Building Fund

Contribute to the Capital/Building Fund to raise $75,000 to maintain the elevator and other projects of the church. Just write Capital/Building Fund on the tithe envelope or in the description section if donating online. Thanks in advance for your continued support of the Church.

Grace is here for you.

Are you interested in joining our church family? Do you want more information about a program or service we offer? Desire a closer walk with Jesus and want to engage in bible study? Fill out the form below and share how best we can connect with you.
